Resource & Information Pages

This Area of Flute Central is all about helping you find information, music and anything else you need to be able to learn the flute :)

Use the links below to navigate to the page with the information you need

Equipment that you need to learn, practice and play the flute and where to get it.
Things to know and consider when buying a new flute regardless of whether it is your first group or an upgrade flute.
Information on the various types of flute exams as well as things to consider when deciding if examinations are the right choice for you.
Link to Australia's leading flute music supplier as well as links to various places to find music that is free to download and print.
Links to lots and lots of useful resources to help with learning and practicing the flute from how to make a sound through to information for very advanced players.
Flutes are a bit like cars... they need regular services and maintenance and things to need adjusting and replacing from time to time. Ideally a flute should be services annually. This page has a link to a recommended service technician.
A page to document and celebrate some of the amazing things students are getting up to :)

Term Dates

Details of dates for lessons for each term.
Links to some interesting and useful websites about playing the flute.
Ideas (and links) to help you access places you can go to enjoy playing your flute with others.
There are many scientifically proven benefits to brain development and wellbeing associated with learning and playing music - this page contains some of this information.
Zoom lessons are fantastic in times such as we are currently experiencing and if set up correctly zoom can be a great way to ensure a lesson is not missed due to illness, transport issues and more. This page provides information on correct setup on both computers and devices.